We are the 2010 Group Study Exchange team from rotary district 2380 visiting district 2450 in the Middle East, April 7 to May 9. Team leader: Elisabeth Axelsson. Team members: Kristin Källner, Hanna Ottosson and Evelina Nyström.

onsdag 5 maj 2010

Facebook group

We're in Dubai now, enjoying the last stage of our amazing trip.

We've had problems with this blog all along, unfortunately, partly due to lack of time to keep it updated, but also it has been quite unwieldy, requiring a lot of effort to upload pictures for example.

Therefore, at this late stage, we've created a Facebook group which you're all welcome to join. The group is likely to live on for quite some time as we go home to upload pictures, sort through our experiences and so on.


Welcome to continue sharing with us!

1 kommentar:

  1. Till Elisabeth Axelsson

    Jag ser att ditt team blivit mottaget av Raymond Hamden som liksom jag tillhör http://www.rotaryeclubny1.com/about-us.htm
    Kan du ge mig Raymonds e-mail adress?
    Yours in Rotary
