We are the 2010 Group Study Exchange team from rotary district 2380 visiting district 2450 in the Middle East, April 7 to May 9. Team leader: Elisabeth Axelsson. Team members: Kristin Källner, Hanna Ottosson and Evelina Nyström.

torsdag 11 mars 2010

Marhaba – hello!

Time is passing very quickly and we look forward to start our trip in less than four weeks time now! Last weekend was devoted to intensive planning and preparations. We finished a fist disposal of our Sweden presentation and even started a packing list. A squeeze breeze has the first position on the list so far. I am not even sure about its exact functionality but it should be some kind of water fan. Considering that we just woke up from the longest winter rest in decades we might need it when coming to warmer parts of the world.

Egypt was the fourth country to get a closer presentation, which was made by Elisabeth. We all knew that the Nile is a long river…but THAT long, about 3 times the length of Sweden! Having a glance at each country is a real appetizer.

Tomorrow Hanna and I are invited for lunch with Rotary Jönköping Öster local club and we will have the opportunity to present the team, the interesting trip we have ahead of us and how to follow the blog. Welcome back!