We are the 2010 Group Study Exchange team from rotary district 2380 visiting district 2450 in the Middle East, April 7 to May 9. Team leader: Elisabeth Axelsson. Team members: Kristin Källner, Hanna Ottosson and Evelina Nyström.

måndag 25 januari 2010

Paperwork done!

The team met in Skövde on Saturday the 23rd and had a very efficient day. GSE Coordinator for our District, Conny Johansson, joined us for the morning session. That meant we could air plenty of questions that we had about badges, broschures, printing, contacts and many other things. We also filled in the Travel Request Form, went through insurance papers, answers from embassies about visas, and compared notes on vaccinations. This last was interesting - which vaccinations were recommended varied a bit depending on where we asked.

We had another visitor in the afternoon, after another attempt by Mr Hanna to teach us polite introductory phrases in Arabic. Dr Mats Bäckman came, having kindly agreed to give us medical examinations free of charge. Dr Bäckman is an experienced G.P. who may well become more involved in the Rotary community in the future. He also discussed the vaccination issue with us, and promised to look into it a little more deeply. Having examined the three of us that didn't already have signed medical certificates, we all had our paperwork done. Two weeks ahead of schedule, no less, so there will be no last minute pressure with that!

This means we can now devote ourselves to all the other things that we want to have well prepared before we leave: clothes, presentations, brochures and some gifts.

As we are going to five different countries, we have also decided that each team member prepares a short basic introduction to one of the countries for presentation at our meetings. Björn presented some facts on Lebanon last time we met, and this week Kristin told us a little about Bahrain. This really whets our appetite and makes us very eager to see and learn more!

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