We are the 2010 Group Study Exchange team from rotary district 2380 visiting district 2450 in the Middle East, April 7 to May 9. Team leader: Elisabeth Axelsson. Team members: Kristin Källner, Hanna Ottosson and Evelina Nyström.

torsdag 8 april 2010

Second day in Egypt and its just getting better and better. This trip is amazing.

We started our day by going to the Culturama Panorama in the "Smart Village" (like a science park) in the city "6th of October" to learn about the Egypt history and heritage. At the Culturama we got a great tour of their amazing databases, they covered everything from architecture, music, flora and fauna etc, we watched a tour through the Egyptien history in a panorama cimena (with 9 screens) and looked at beautiful historical pictures in 3D.

We continued our morning by going to the "Hope Village of Psycological & Social Rehabilitation Center for young street mothers" and meet and interacted with the mothers and their children. This experiance really got us thinking of how unfair life can be, but also how wonderful people can be at helping each other out. This visit will always stay deep in our hearts. After being served a fantastic lunch at the centre, with a lot of egyptian specialities and desserts, we continued our day by heading for the Nile.

When we arrived at the Nile a Felluca (an Egyptian sailbot) was waiting for us and it took us for an amazing sail on the Nile. During the sail we enjoyed the company of some Rotaractors and the Rotarians Fadwa El Semman anf Tarek Michel. We sang songs, both arabic and swedish and we enjoyed some typical egytian snacks.

After that we threw ourselfs out into the crazy Cairo traffic, in the hunt for the perfect Galabeya (an Egyptian traditional dress) for tomorrow´s Galabeya Bedouin BBQ party. After finally managing to find a spot to stop in the crowded street, (never seen so many cars and people trying to get somewhere at the same time) we jumped out and found our way into a crowded market were we all found beautiful Galabeyas.

Now we, Evelina and Hanna, just finished another lovely dinner here at our host Manal Amins residence and we are soon ready to relax and prepare for the big Happening tomorrow at Fadwa El Semmans farmhouse.

Good Night and In Sha'Alla

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